What We Got Up To At Wildlife Festival

Disclosure Announce New Album At Wildlife Festival

Published 9th Jun 2015

Historically festivals are set up by big promoters, bringing the most popular artists to a city near you, but at Wildlife they are doing things a bit differently. Rudimental & Disclosure teamed up to create their very own festival bringing their favourite artists directly to the music-loving festival enthusiasts, like yourselves.

The weekend saw a plethora of artists grace the four stages across Brighton City Airport, everyone from Gorgon City to Years & Years all leading up to the festival curators Rudimental and Disclosure wrapping up the festival with their headline slots.

Not only were we treated to amazing performances, Disclosure also announced details of their new album, who drew a massive crowd, with their bouncy basslines and frontman Olly’s colourful dancing. Not only did he please the crowd with his catchy songs, he also advised the crowd to wear sun cream as it was a hot day. What a lovely lad, his mum must be proud.

Closely following him was Radio 1 legend Annie Mac who gave a killer set in preparation for the closing act Disclosure.

Performing hits off of their debut album Settle as well as new material, they treated the crowd to an amazing visual display as well as bringing on guests such as sultry singer (http://disclosureofficial.com/). From the songs they premiered at the festival ‘Willing and Able', 'Super-Ego' and ‘Hourglass' we are more than excited for their upcoming album.

The Festival Tips

Plan Ahead

Wildlife in particular, despite being in Brighton (which has pretty good transport links) it is not near the station, at all. If you're anything like me you'll ignore all prior warning and advice about shuttle buses and find yourself stranded with a £20 cab bill. Don't be like me. Listen to the good folk at Wildlife.

Take A Selfie Stick

No longer cringe-worthy, just purely practical. You’re likely to find yourself surrounded by thousands of people whilst watching the headliner and you want to capture that moment, but how do you ensure you get that amazing angle? Selfie stick to the rescue!

Take Your Own Food

Now we know this sounds very frugal, but if you’re allowed (terms and conditions apply per festival) do take a small packed lunch with you. Not only can you stay disciplined to any healthy food routine you might be sticking to you can also avoid all of the ususal crazy festival food prices.

Find more about Wildlife Festival here