CBB's Ben Jardine's scorned wife Stephanie 'in talks' to enter the house

She wants to confront him

Author: Emma DoddsPublished 22nd Aug 2018

This year's Celebrity Big Brother house is full of celebrities who have found themselves in the centre of a media scandal - hence this series' theme, the Eye of the Storm. So it's pretty apt that whilst they're all in the house, plenty of dirt has been dished on the 13 contestants.

Not only have ex-Coronation Street star Ryan Thomas and former Emmerdale actress Roxanne Pallett been discovered to secretly hate each other - something that has yet to come out in the house - but Married At First Sight's Ben Jardine's wife Stephanie has revealed just what a dirtbag he was to her.

Steph and Ben got married on Married At First Sight

Despite keeping schtum after Ben initially revealed he'd cheated on her AND was expecting a baby with another woman, policewoman Steph spoke out earlier this week to reveal exactly what went on.

However, it turns out that might not be enough for her, as there are now rumours she's heading into the CBB house to confront him over his dreadful behaviour.

Check out the Celebrity Big Brother winners so far...

Jack Dee: 2001

Jack Dee took part in the show for Comic Relief and everyone seemed surprised, none more so than Jack. The series lasted a paltry five days as it was a more innocent time.

CBB's Ben Jardine's scorned wife Stephanie 'in talks' to enter the house
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According to Metro.co.uk, Stephanie has secured an agent, and "approached CBB producers to go in the house as soon as she found out Ben was going in." Apparently, Stephanie is "just out to get him" because he "couldn't make himself love her," adding that Ben had already "moved on with his life last year" and he "wishes she would, too."

Steph first found out that Ben wanted to end their marriage as he gave an interview live on the radio - NOT a particularly sensitive way to find out.

WATCH: All the CBB winners so far...

She revealed in her Instagram video earlier this week that the pregnancy news really hurt her as she and Ben had talked about having a baby together. She said, "Ben even said to me that I would make an amazing mum and if he found out the next day that I was pregnant then he would be the happiest man alive.

"That memory really hurts me now, because I’ve been told by one of his friends since, that the girl he got pregnant had conceived around this time."