Coleen Nolan breaks her silence after Kim Woodburn drama on Loose Women

She was accused of bullying 76-year-old Kim

Author: Emma DoddsPublished 31st Aug 2018

The Loose Women are not ones to shy away from drama - so it's no surprise that the show and it's participants have been at the centre of a scandal this week.

On Wednesday (29th August), Kim Woodburn appeared on the show to finally try and make peace with Loose Women panellist Coleen Nolan, who she'd fallen out with (read: they HATED each other) during their time together in the Celebrity Big Brother house last January.

Janet Street-Porter was installed as an independent adjudicator - even donning judges' robes to make the situation light-hearted - but unfortunately it didn't work, and the show descended into chaos, ending with 76-year-old Kim storming off the stage.

And although many viewers said that Kim was just as bad as Coleen, others felt that the panel had "ganged-up" on her as she was trying to talk about her traumatic childhood.

As Kim began to open up and explain why she'd acted the way she had, citing her childhood and revealing that being in the house had brought back bad memories, Coleen and her sister Linda Nolan both made comments such as, "We got this every day," "She's going to cry in a minute," and, "We know, we've heard it."

After the show, Kim revealed that she'd felt "ambushed" by the team at ITV, and apparently branded the show "disgusting" and "like a circus," adding that she felt she was "there for some cruel entertainment," according to, and saying that she wants Coleen and her sister fired.

"I hope I never live to see the day when a human being in her 50s and her sister could mock a lady sobbing on TV. They should not be on that show and I will do all I can to get them off it," she said.

These are the most OUTRAGEOUS CBB contestants. EVER.

Jackie Stallone

Perhaps the greatest entrance into CBB ever, Jackie Stallone was introduced as the queen of the house and iconically announced: "Yeah, I'm Jackie."
She then continued to act like royalty by calling Blazin Squad's Kenzie 'the little kid' because she forgot his name, demanding champagne and calling the house 'a dump'. Her presence was hard for Brigitte Neilsen - ex wife of Jackie's son Sylvester Stallone - who nearly walked out on the night Jackie arrived.
Jackie also hilariously told Big Brother to 'kiss my ass' in the Diary Room.
Jackie: we bow down to you.

Coleen Nolan breaks her silence after Kim Woodburn drama on Loose Women
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However, despite keeping silent after the incident on Wednesday, Coleen has now spoken out, telling the Mirror, "Anyone that knows me knows I’m not a bully. That would be the most hurtful thing people could call me."

She revealed that she'd never wanted to do the reunion, and that the producers had said that Kim had wanted to make peace, adding that she'd "agreed because I was happy to draw a line under past differences."

Coleen went on to say that it seemed as though Kim had never wanted to make up, and that she wished she could "go back in time and not do it," adding that it was "ugly, upsetting and unpleasant for everyone."

But she did defend speaking over Kim whilst she was opening up, "I hadn’t heard what she was saying - I was commenting on how she was ranting, not what she was saying about her childhood.

She also revealed that she hopes to never see her again, wishing Kim well and saying that she doesn't like to see people unhappy, but wants to forget she ever met her and vowed, "I will never appear on a show with her again. It is better we keep to our own paths."

WATCH: Kim Woodburn and Coleen Nolan come face-to-face on Loose Women

A Loose Women spokesperson said, "Kim agreed to come on the understanding it was for a reconciliation with Coleen. Kim becoming upset was never the intention and the panel did endeavour to comfort her. She was offered counselling after the show, which she declined."

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