Kim Woodburn demands Loose Women SACK Coleen Nolan after live bust-up

She stormed off the stage

Author: Emma DoddsPublished 30th Aug 2018

It won't be news to most that celebrity cleaner Kim Woodburn and Loose Women's Coleen Nolan fell out when they were in the Celebrity Big Brother house together in January 2017.

The reasons over what they actually fell out about are murky - things can escalate VERY quickly in the CBB house - but essentially, Kim accused Coleen of being two-faced and ganging up on her with the rest of the housemates.

In an attempt to draw a line under what had occurred in the house and sort things out between the pair, 76-year-old Kim appeared on Loose Women yesterday (29th August) - but things didn't go according to plan and Kim stormed off the stage.

Kim was given the opportunity to say her piece, citing her abusive childhood as the reason behind her erratic behaviour in the house, but viewers of the show criticised Coleen, her sister Linda and the other panellists for their treatment of her - and the show have now received over 400 Ofcom complaints.

Taking to social media, many commented that Coleen and the others had been "cruel," with one writing, "The poor woman was bullied and humiliated," as another added, "That Coleen is a vile woman!"

The most OUTRAGEOUS CBB moments of all time...

Jackie Stallone

Perhaps the greatest entrance into CBB ever, Jackie Stallone was introduced as the queen of the house and iconically announced: "Yeah, I'm Jackie."
She then continued to act like royalty by calling Blazin Squad's Kenzie 'the little kid' because she forgot his name, demanding champagne and calling the house 'a dump'. Her presence was hard for Brigitte Neilsen - ex wife of Jackie's son Sylvester Stallone - who nearly walked out on the night Jackie arrived.
Jackie also hilariously told Big Brother to 'kiss my ass' in the Diary Room.
Jackie: we bow down to you.

Kim Woodburn demands Loose Women SACK Coleen Nolan after live bust-up
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But Kim is taking things further than simply storming off the show - she's now calling for Coleen AND Linda to be fired from the show.

Speaking after the show, Kim apparently branded the show "disgusting" and "like a circus," adding that she felt she was "there for some cruel entertainment," according to, and saying that she wants Coleen and her sister fired.

She said, "I was shown cruelty again by that woman. I'm embarrassed once again. And I've cried on TV once again.

"I do go at people if they go for me. I hope I never live to see the day when a human being in her 50s and her sister could mock a lady sobbing on TV. They should not be on that show and I will do all I can to get them off it."

WATCH: Kim Woodburn and Coleen Nolan attempt to put the past behind them

A spokesperson told the MailOnline after the show, "Kim agreed to come onto the panel today at the invitation of the producers on the understanding it was for reconciliation with Coleen.

"Kim becoming upset was never the intention and the panel did endeavour to comfort her. She was offered counselling after the show, which she declined."

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