72 arrests in Aberdeen during crackdown on violent crime

Operation PINE targeted offenders in January

Published 9th Feb 2017

More than 70 people have been arrested and nearly 100 warrants executed as Police Scotland continues its high profile crackdown on violent crime across Aberdeen.

Officers were deployed to Operation PINE for two weeks to target offenders and focus on outstanding charges.

During the last fortnight in January, 72 people were taken in on warrant for outstanding crimes, failure to appear at court, non-payment of fines and failure to comply with court orders.

Inspector Rob Sturton of the Kittybrewster Community Policing Team who led the operation said, "As a direct result of collaboration between specialist departments, community policing teams and most importantly the communities themselves a meaningful impact has been made on the number of people wanted on warrant across Aberdeen.

"Our message is quite clear, if you fail to attend court or pay fines then we will take robust action to ensure that you are brought before the court once again to face further action.”