Almost 80% Scots want pre-watershed junk food adverts banned

79 per cent of Scots back a ban on junk food advertising before the 9pm TV watershed, according to a new YouGov survey published by Cancer Research UK.

Published 7th Feb 2016

79 per cent of Scots back a ban on junk food advertising before the 9pm TV watershed, according to a new YouGov survey published by Cancer Research UK.

64 per cent of us also support a tax on sugary drinks, which could help tackle the rising childhood obesity epidemic.

This new survey shows strong support for the UK Government to act in order to fight childhood obesity, with most Scots (88 per cent) thinking it’s a problem.

It also found that 76 per cent of the Scottish public support reducing junk food advertising online and 75 per cent support cutting price promotions on junk food.

Almost six in 10 underestimated the proportion of overweight or obese adults in the UK according to the survey.

Linda Bauld, Cancer Research UK's expert in cancer prevention based at the University of Stirling said: "In Scotland we joke about our nation's 'sweet tooth' but it is no laughing matter when this contributes to people being overweight or obese and at higher risk of some cancers.

“Junk foods high in sugar and fat are everywhere in Scotland and adverts for these foods tempt children with pretty colours and cartoons.

“At a time when junk food is cheap and packed with extra calories, we need stronger action to help prevent children from choosing these foods.

"We want the UK Government to ban junk food adverts on TV before the 9pm watershed, put a tax on sugary drinks and enforce targets for reducing the amount of fat and sugar in food. Reducing obesity rates could save the NHS billions of pounds. And, ultimately, we owe it to future generations to reduce preventable disease caused by being overweight and obese."

Being overweight and obese is a major cause of preventable illness and death in the UK, including cancer, type two diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Almost one in three children in Scotland are overweight or obese**. This is why Cancer Research UK is calling on the UK Government to take action to protect children.

Dr Julie Sharp, head of health information at Cancer Research UK, said: “To give children the best chance of a healthy future, we need to make sure there are plenty of healthy options available to them. But this is difficult when they’re exposed to lots of cheap junk food.

“Obese children are more likely to be obese as adults, which in turn increases their risk of developing cancer in later life, along with many other health problems. So it’s important that young people are encouraged to eat healthily and keep active and that healthy choices are easy to make.

“Obesity is the biggest preventable cause of cancer after smoking and is linked to up to 10 different types including breast, bowel, and pancreatic cancer.”