VIDEO: Call for Super Puma debate in Holyrood

The fleet is currently grounded after an accident in Norway last year

Published 20th Sep 2017
Last updated 20th Sep 2017

The debate over Super Puma helicopters could be heading to Holyrood.

Ever since last year's fatal crash off the coast of Norway - the UK fleet of Super Puma's has been grounded.

The accident saw 13 people killed, including Iain Stuart from Aberdeenshire.

Iain Stuart

“Safety must always be a priority for the North Sea oil and gas industry – regardless of any other issues it is currently facing.

“Meanwhile, thousands of offshore workers have signed a Unite the Union petition calling on the UK oil and gas industry not to re-introduce Superpuma helicopters in the North Sea.

“That is why I will be seeking a Members’ Business debate on the issue in the Scottish Parliament before there is any move to bring Superpuma helicopters back into service in the North Sea.

The Civil Aviation Authority has lifted the ban on the aircraft meaning they can return to flying.

So far, no oil and gas firm has committed to flying them again.

North East Labour MSP Lewis Macdonald has tabled a parliamentary motion calling for a debate on helicopter safety in the North Sea.

After tabling a Members’ Business motion at Holyrood, Lewis Macdonald said: “A recent survey by Airbus, the makers of Superpuma helicopters, found that over 60% of offshore workers would be reluctant to fly on a Superpuma helicopter, while over 40% were unaware of the new safety measures introduced by the manufacturers.

“When so many workers are coming together to highlight safety concerns, it is vital that we as MSPs listen to what they have to say. "