Energy Jobs Taskforce To Meet

A new taskforce set up by the Scottish Government to support jobs in the energy sector is meeting for the first time.

Published 28th Jan 2015

A new taskforce set up by the Scottish Government to support jobs in the energy sector is meeting for the first time.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced the new body was being established earlier this month.

She said at the time it would help make sure that partners are working across the sector both to maintain jobs and to mitigate the potential impact of any losses''.

It will hold its first meeting today in Aberdeen focusing on jobs across the entire industry but with an initial emphasis on the oil and gas sector.

Chaired by Scottish Enterprise chief executive Lena Wilson, membership also includes industry bodies, council representatives and businesses.

Ms Wilson said: We've made quick progress in forming this taskforce which represents a strong and united public and private sector partnership that is committed to working together to support this vital industry throughout these challenging times.

While current circumstances are difficult, we also need to remember that this is a resilient industry - one which has weathered the storm before and will do so again.

We have an urgent and immediate task at hand to retain the jobs, skills and talent which is the bedrock of Scotland's internationally competitive energy sector. The depth of knowledge and expertise this newly formed taskforce offers will undoubtedly make an invaluable contribution to that task and help shape support to meet the current and future need for our energy sector.''

Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said: Since oil was discovered more than four decades ago, we have built a world class industrial cluster in the north sea and now export the skills and services required to support it around the world.

There is a real risk that the current fall in the oil price will lead to the premature decommissioning of assets and the loss of highly skilled workers. Within this context, I think it is vital that the UK Government acts now.

The North Sea has made an enormous contribution to the Scottish and UK economies over the last 40 years. It is now vital, in order to prolong the life of the industry beyond 2050 and maximise economic benefits, that the UK Government maintains the momentum for fiscal and regulatory change in the oil and gas sector.''

The taskforce will report to the Scottish Energy Advisory Board.