Female Employment Hits Record High

The number of women in work has reached a record high, while the number of jobless young people is at its lowest level for five years, new figures have revealed.

Published 17th Dec 2014

The number of women in work has reached a record high, while the number of jobless young people is at its lowest level for five years, new figures have revealed.

Overall unemployment in Scotland is now 44,000 lower than it was a year ago, with 156,000 people out of work over the period August to October.

There was a slight drop in the number of people in work, down 3,000 over the three months, but the employment total of 2,605,000 is still 152,000 higher than at the same time last year.

Scotland's employment rate continues to be higher than that for the UK as a whole, standing at 74% compared to 73%, according to the Office for National Statistics.

The unemployment rate is also lower north of the border, with 5.6% of people out of work compared to 6%.

The number of women in work increased by 21,000 over the period August to October to reach 1,288,000 - the highest female employment level on record.

Youth unemployment fell to its lowest level for five years, with 67,000 18 to 24-year-olds out of work, a drop of 24,000 over the year.

The figures also reveal there were 87,300 people in Scotland out of work and claiming jobseeker's allowance last month - a decrease of 2,100 from the October total and 28,400 lower than November 2013.

Roseanna Cunningham, the Scottish Government's Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training, said the new figures demonstrate the success of the work we are doing to improve employment opportunities for all in Scotland''.

She added: Once again Scotland is leading the way with the highest employment and economic activity rates and lowest unemployment rate of the home nations of the UK.

I am particularly pleased to see youth unemployment in Scotland has fallen by 24,000 over the last year and is now at its lowest level in the last five years. That follows a dedicated focus by the Scottish Government and partners on improving work and training opportunities for young people who want to enter the workplace.

This approach is highlighted by our new youth employment strategy that followed work by the Commission for Developing Scotland's Young Workforce.''

Ms Cunningham also hailed the rising number of women in work as welcome evidence of our ongoing work on narrowing the gender gap''.

She pledged: There will be no let-up in the new year and it will be a strong priority of this Government to use all of the powers we have at our disposal in 2015 to increase employment, tackle unemployment and improve access to the labour market for everyone in Scotland.''

Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said: Today's figures show Scotland's labour market is continuing to strengthen with unemployment falling and over 28,000 fewer people claiming jobseeker's allowance compared to 12 months ago.

I am also delighted to see female employment reach a new record high and 17,800 fewer 18 to 24-year-olds claiming jobseeker's allowance than two years ago.''

The UK Government minister added: This year has seen Scottish employment increasing to record levels and unemployment down to rates seen before the financial crash.

In 2014, people in Scotland voted to stay part of the UK which provides more jobs and more opportunities across the country and greater economic security and stability for businesses and communities.

The small decline in employment this month emphasises the wider global challenges we are facing but, with employment having increased by 52,000 over the past year, the outlook for the year ahead is positive.

As we look towards 2015 we will continue with our long-term economic plan to provide a sustained recovery and a more resilient economy, ensuring people and businesses in Scotland can make the most of the opportunities the large and diverse UK market brings.''