Junior doctors across the UK urged to consider a career in Scotland

Junior doctors across the UK are being encouraged to consider a career in Scotland as part of a new recruitment campaign.

Published 7th Feb 2016

Junior doctors across the UK are being encouraged to consider a career in Scotland as part of a new recruitment campaign.

The Scottish Government has launched the drive, which includes a social media campaign and adverts in medical journals, at a time when junior doctors in England are locked in a bitter dispute over pay and conditions with the UK Government.

Strike action planned for Wednesday could see thousands of operations, procedures and appointments cancelled, with junior doctors providing only emergency care over a 24-hour period.

The main sticking point in the dispute remains weekend pay and the point at which a premium rate of pay kicks in for junior doctors.

But Scottish Health Secretary Shona Robison stressed that junior doctors are valued members of our healthcare team here in Scotland and are integral to our continuing drive to improve care to the people of Scotland''.

She said: I would encourage junior doctors across the UK and beyond to consider the exciting opportunities that the NHS in Scotland provides.''

The campaign includes videos following four trainee doctors working in the Scottish NHS, as well as Scotland's top doctor, chief medical officer Catherine Calderwood.

These are part of the #juniordocscot social media campaign, which will run until March 8 - the deadline for submitting applications for medical speciality training places across the UK.

Ms Robison said: These videos feature the real-life experiences of junior doctors who are working and training in our NHS right now. Their stories illustrate the fantastic opportunities for training available in Scotland - whether that is working in inner city communities or with remote and rural populations, all within a flexible and supportive training environment.''

Dr Calderwood said: I am delighted to be involved in this drive to encourage more junior doctors to consider the opportunities Scotland provides for their future careers.

I am extremely proud of the strong record we have of delivering high quality training, as well as our fantastic academic research and development opportunities.

The NHS in Scotland has a strong focus on continual development and improving the quality of services we provide. We aim to grow junior doctors into the medical leaders of the future - providing opportunities for clinicians at all stages to deliver the highest quality of patient care.''