Lib Dems back calls for second independence referendum to be ruled out

Leader Willie Rennie says Holyrood vote must block any attempt from the SNP

Published 9th Jun 2017
Last updated 9th Jun 2017

The Scottish Liberal Democrats have joined calls for the SNP to rule out a second independence referendum.

Leader Willie Rennie said a vote should be held in Holyrood to "sist, delay and stop'' another referendum in the current parliamentary term.

The Lib Dems won four seats in the General Election north of the border, fighting back after being reduced to just one Scottish MP in 2015.

The constituencies won were Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross, East Dunbartonshire, Edinburgh West and Orkney & Shetland while party candidate Elizabeth Riches lost to the SNP's Stephen Gethins by just two votes in North East Fife

Mr Rennie believes the central issue of the election campaign in Scotland was the prospect of a second independence referendum.

He said the electorate in Scotland have "rejected that proposal'' and called on Nicola Sturgeon to rule it out.

"The election result was a monumental event with the loss of colossal figures on the Scottish political scene,'' the Scottish Lib Dem leader said.

"The loss of 21 MPs including the former first minister Alex Salmond and the SNP deputy leader Angus Robertson will leave a major hole in Scottish politics and the SNP.

"The SNP lost 13 percentage points which is more than any other political party in the United Kingdom. Such major losses require a major political response.

"The central issue of the election in Scotland was another independence referendum. The Scottish people have rejected that proposal. Nicola Sturgeon must respond immediately to this major event.

"That's why they should hold an early vote in the Scottish Parliament to sist, delay and stop any independence referendum in this parliamentary term.

"I agree with the First Minister that now is the time to bring the country together again and there should be unanimity for this in the parliament.

"Only such a vote would be an appropriate response to give certainty and to put the divisions of the referendum behind us.''