LISTEN "Weird and horrible" knife obsession of Bailey's killer

We've been hearing from a friend of the 16 year old boy who killed Bailey Gwynne at his school in Aberdeen.

Published 1st Apr 2016

We've been hearing from a friend of the 16 year old boy who killed Bailey Gwynne at his school in Aberdeen.

He's been sentenced to nine years in jail for culpable homicide, and carrying knives in school.

The friend saw the fight which led to the fatal stabbing - and he's described the killer's fascination with knives.

We've disguised his voice for legal reasons.

Bailey Gwynne, 16, died from a knife wound to the chest at Cults Academy in Aberdeen on October 28th last year.

Passing sentence today, Lady Stacey told the teenager: If you had not carried a knife, the exchange of insults between you and Bailey Gwynne would have led at worst to a fist fight ... and certainly not loss of life.''

The judge also told him: Nothing that I can say nor any sentence that I impose will do anything to lessen the grief that Bailey Gwynne's family and friends feel.

The shock of the death at such a young age was felt in the wider community; nothing I can say or do can alleviate that.''

The judge's sentence means the killer will serve nine years in custody - eight for culpable homicide and one for carrying weapons. He will then be supervised for a further two years on release.