Man attacked by group of children in Cove

It's believed there were between four and six youths wearing dark clothing

Loirston Place
Published 5th Jun 2017
Last updated 5th Jun 2017

A man's been attacked by a group of youths in Cove.

The 26-year-old was assaulted on Loirston Place shortly after midnight on Sunday June 4th 2017.

He sustained facial injuries during the altercation which is believed to have involved between four and six youths aged between 14 and 16-years-old, all of whom were wearing dark clothing.

The man was also in the company of a woman who wasn't hurt.

PC Wallace Dickson, of the Divisional Alcohol Violence Reduction Unit, said: "I would appeal to anyone who either lives in the area or might have been passing at the time to please get in touch, particularly if you saw a group of young males.

"Any information could be extremely helpful as we piece together what happened.

"Contact Police on 101 quoting incident number PS-20170604-0030 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 if you would prefer to remain anonymous."