Man jailed for rape and brutal attack of complete stranger in her own home

Kyle Allan was sentenced today at the High Court in Dundee.

Author: Vanessa WalkerPublished 24th Nov 2023
Last updated 29th Jan 2024

Kyle Allan, 31, has been sentenced to 8 years in prison for the rape and brutal attack of a woman in her own home.

He carried out the attack after entering a woman's property on Charleston Road North in Cove on Saturday 10 June.

Police arrested him the following day, and he appeared in court soon after.

Allan pleaded guilty to the charges of rape and severe injury and danger to life at the High Court in Edinburgh last month.

He has also been placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.

Upon sentencing, Lord Ericht told Allan he subjected his victim to a "night of terror".

At the High Court in Dundee, he said: "You entered the home of a complete stranger. Her partner was working offshore and she was having a quiet Saturday night at home, with her young child asleep in his room and teenage son out visiting a friend.

"You subjected her to a terrifying ordeal, grabbing her throat until she was unconscious and raping her. She pleaded with you and fought back bravely. When she tried to get out of the house you pushed her towards the door causing her to strike her head against the door and pushed her to the ground. You threatened to kill her and her children.

"This was a random attack involving extreme violence, a night of terror.

"I commend your victim for her bravery. I also commend her son for how he responded to her phone call, and her friends who then came to the house to deal with the situation. The Victim Impact statement speaks eloquently of the devastating effect your actions have had on both your victim and her son, and indeed on their wider family.

"Had it not been for your early plea of guilty I would have sentenced you to a period of imprisonment of 12 years. However, in view of that early plea the period of imprisonment will be 8 years, backdated to 13 June 2023."

Detective Inspector Mark Lambley previously said: “Kyle Allan is an extremely dangerous individual who attacked a woman in her own home. His actions were despicable and have had a profound effect on the woman.

“I commend her for her strength throughout the investigation.

“Police Scotland is committed to tackling sexual crimes and bringing those responsible to justice. I’d encourage anyone who has been a victim of such crimes to come forward and report it to us, regardless of when it happened. We’ll thoroughly investigate and have specially trained officers and partner agencies to support you throughout.”