#MeToo fund gives £200,000 to Scottish Women's Rights Centre

NurPhoto/SIPA USA/PA Images
Author: Hope WebbPublished 11th Oct 2018
Last updated 11th Oct 2018

A #MeToo fun - set up by British celebrities - has given £200,000 to a Scottish women's group.

The Scottish Women's Rights Group has been given the money to help provide more legal advice and support for victims of sexual misconduct.

It's amongst seven UK groups to receive a total of £1m from the Justice and Equality Fund - set up by the likes of Emma Watson and Keira Knightley.

These are the first grants to be awarded from the fund and the next recipients will be announced next month.

The #MeToo movement began in 2017 when women came forward to accuse Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment.