No new Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader

Jenny Laing will become sole leader after the Conservative group declined to replace Councillor Ryan Houghton as nominee to replace Douglas Lumsden, after Houghton withdrew.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 13th May 2021
Last updated 13th May 2021

Jenny Laing is set to become sole Leader of Aberdeen City Council after the Conservative group declined to put forward a new nominee for the co-leader role.

Douglas Lumsden was today sworn in as an MSP, meaning the Tories had to replace him as group leader - Councillor Ryan Houghton was chosen for that earlier this week.

But Houghton was forced to withdraw as a nominee for Co-Leader after backlash from opposition parties to the decision.

That was in relation to comments made by the Councillor on internet forums over a decade ago.

Operationally not much will change. The administration continues to be made up of Conservatives, suspended Labour Councillors and three independents.

But Laing, who leads the suspended Labour group, will take the role as figurehead.

Councillor Laing told us:

"I'm absolutely delighted that we got unanimous agreement on changes to senior council positions

"I truly believe that the focus of all elected members should be on social and economic recovery from Covid-19."

Former Co-Leader and now North East MSP, and still Councillor, Douglas Lumsden told Northsound:

"I'd like to put on record how proud I am of Councillor Houghton

"He's acted with great dignity by withdrawing his nomination for Co-Leader, agreeing to put our city and the recovery of the city before his own self-interests"

A number of changes have been made to the convener roles in various committees.

Councillor Houghton will take over from Mr Lumsden in the Growth and resources committee.

And Councillor Laing will convene Urgent business.

Other changes are Councillor Malik taking over education operational delivery, Councillor Wheeler taking operational delivery, Councillor Wheeler convenes commissioning and finally Councillor Boulton will convene the Capital Programme meetings.

Northsound has reached out to Jenny Laing for comment.
