"Operation Ruby" recovers stolen vehicles and valuables in North East

Several stolen vehicles and valuables have been recovered by Police in the North East.

Published 8th Mar 2016

Several stolen vehicles and valuables have been recovered by Police in the North East.

It's after a major operation was launched following a string of thefts in the region.

Police say the break ins took place at times close to one another - and have warned the public to be alert.

With various vehicles still outstanding, Chief Inspector Craig is appealing to the public to contact police if they notice anything suspicious or any unfamiliar cars parked in their area.

He said: "Please, do not give thieves a chance. Opportunistic criminals will try a house or car door until they find one unlocked, and if you fail to keep your belongings secure, you could sadly be the victim next.

"Operations such as Ruby, which tackles car thefts and thieves, are at the forefront of our policing strategy, and it is testament to our officers that so many vehicles are traced and returned to their owners. In some cases, the vehicles involved are recovered many miles away, with no apparent connections to the area.

"I must stress that the public must take simple security measures to avoid becoming the victim of crime. Always lock your cars when leaving them unattended and keep vehicle keys out of reach from your front door. It is also good advice to not leave any valuables on display within vehicles.

"Police Scotland has issued many warnings urging the public to ensure their doors are locked even when they are home, and to keep expensive equipment from view. Please do not take the security of your belongings for granted."

Anyone with information about crime in their area should contact Police Scotland on 101 or if you wish to remain anonymous contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.