Parking meters broken into in Aberdeen

They were targeted in the city centre with more than £1,000 taken

The 14 year old was taken to hospital in Glasgow with serious injuries
Published 3rd Aug 2017

A number of parking meters in Aberdeen City Centre have been broken into

More than £1,000 was taken from Spa Street, Bon Accord Crescent and Nelson Street.

Officers want anyone who has seen anything suspicious in the city centre to get in touch.

The parking meters were targeted between 12:00am and 2:00am on Sunday 30th July.

Enquiry officer PC Gillian McPake said: "We are appealing to anyone who may have seen suspicious activity between midnight and 2am in the City Centre area on Sunday, 30 July, to contact us on 101 or to remain anonymous contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 quoting incident CF0220870717."

An Aberdeen City Council spokeswoman said: “All thefts have been reported to Police Scotland for investigation. City Wardens are on the lookout for any suspicious activity and we would encourage anyone to report any suspicious activity to the police.