Peterhead Fish Factory Jobs Safe

Published 29th Jan 2015

No workers at the fire-hit Peterhead fish factory are to lose their jobs.

Earlier this month are fire broke out at the Northbay Pelagic building and destroyed the main processing and packing lines, along with an office and administration block.

There had been fears that the company would be forced to announce redundancies.

But while the factory is being rebuilt, all workers will be re-deployed to other local processors.

Northbay Pelagic Director Chris Anderson commented: “We knew our staff were concerned about their jobs and we have worked extremely hard in the last week to find a solution that means everyone retains their employment.“

Leader of Aberdeenshire Council Jim Gifford said: “These arrangements will bring comfort to Northbay Pelagic’s employees, who I’m sure were worried about what the impact of the blaze would have on their jobs.

“This has been made possible through the goodwill of local processors and support from a number of other agencies, including the council, Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Government over the last few days.”