Police investigate drive-by assault in Aberdeen

A man was assaulted by two young men driving a dark coloured car

Police tape
Published 16th Nov 2016

A 46-year-old man has been assaulted by two men in the King Street area of Aberdeen

It happened at around 5pm on Monday, 14th November.

The man had been walking in the direction of Orchard Street near Pittodrie Place when two men got out of a dark coloured vehicle, possibly a Ford Ka, and assaulted him before driving away.

He was not injured as a result.

Detective Constable Emma Forbes said: "This is an unusual and isolated incident for the area and it may have been witnessed by people who stopped to assist the victim on Orchard Street.

"The suspects are described as aged in their 20's, between 5ft 10ins and 6ft in height.

"They were both medium build and were wearing dark clothing." Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101.