Post-mortem due following discovery of woman's body in Aberdeen flat

Her death is being treated as "unexplained"

Published 8th May 2017
Last updated 8th May 2017

We're getting more details about that unexplained death on Aberdeen's Beach Boulevard, after a body was discovered there over the weekend.

She was a 66-year-old woman.

Northsound News understands a post-mortem is due to be carried out today.

The area was cordoned off yesterday to let officers investigate, but it's not yet clear if her death was suspicious.

Meanwhile, a local councillor has criticised the lack of information given to members of the public about the incident.

Councillor Martin Greig said: "It is worrying to have so little information about what is happening‎.

"Even some basic outline of the incident would help to give reassurance to the community.

"People have a right to know how serious this is and what is the level of risk. The wall of silence from the control room is not desirable.

"This uncooperative approach is not in the interests of our local area. This is further proof that our control room should have stayed in Aberdeen. It was wrong to take this key police resource away from us."