SNP says manifesto will offer alternative to 'unnecessary Tory austerity'

Published 21st May 2017

The SNP will launch its General Election manifesto on Tuesday, setting out an alternative to ''unnecessary Tory austerity'' and plans to ensure Scotland has a strong hand in Brexit negotiations.

The party said its manifesto will set out progressive policies for Scotland and the rest of the UK, including plans to tackle the projected rise in in-work poverty, boost equality and put Scotland in a position to protect jobs and living standards during the Brexit negotiations.

Speaking ahead of the launch, SNP Depute Leader Angus Robertson, candidate for Moray, said: ''Now more than ever it is vital that we have a strong group of SNP MPs who can stand up for Scotland, but also represent progressive values across the UK.

The SNP manifesto will set out a real agenda for change across the UK, focussed on putting a stop to the continued public sector cuts, in-work poverty and rising inequality that the Tories are desperate to hide from.

We will set out an alternative to unnecessary Tory austerity, back workers and families with fair pay and a fair social security system and back business with fresh support. We will seek a mandate to strengthen Scotland's hands in Brexit negotiations and stand against Tory attempts to negotiate away Scotland's jobs and industries.

The Tories' attack on pensioners and refusal to u-turn on their cuts to family budgets despite rising prices, shows that - left unchecked - it will be ordinary households and pensioners paying the price of Tory policies while the wealthiest receive tax cuts and public services are starved of funds.

SNP MPs will not stand by and allow the Tories to do whatever they want and get away with it - either to Scotland or the rest of the UK.''