Subject choice in schools to be reviewed by MSPs

Education workers are set to begin a planned two-week strike
Published 4th Feb 2019

It's emerged MSPs are going to be looking into the subject choice in Scottish schools, with a view to discover whether the choice has been reduced.

The Education and Skills Committee at the Scottish Parliament said an inquiry will be held into what effect subject choice in schools is having on young people.

Members will specifically be looking into the extent of whether subject choices have been narrowed down.

The committee is concerned a reduction in subject choice as pupils enter the senior phase of school (S4-S6) can potentially impact on their qualifications for college, university and the workplace.

Teachers, parents and pupils will be involved in the inquiry in order to find out whether a narrowing is taking place and what this means in practice.

It will also examine the level of uptake of particular subjects.

Committee convener Clare Adamson said: "Subject choice may seem like a small issue but it is one which can have far-reaching consequences.

"Ensuring that our young people can achieve to their full potential is something that we all want to see.

"For young people to have the perception that their future options may be limited by the subject choices that they can take at school, is something that must be avoided.

"We want to hear about the impact of the availability of particular subjects as well as what factors influence subject choice, such as school size, local decision-making and timetabling."