Yousaf has to "hope and pray" a rocket doesn't hit house of Family in Gaza

"He's a doctor, he's not involved in any fighting, he's not a militant, he's just a doctor that helps other people."

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 12th May 2021
Last updated 12th May 2021

The Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has told us how he and his family have been left to "hope and pray" that a rocket doesn't hit members of the family who live in Gaza.

Exchanges of fire between Palestinian militants and the Israeli military have continued to escalate in the area, to such an extent the UN fears a "full-scale war".

Yousaf says he is trying to keep in touch "every hour" with members from his wife's side of the family in Gaza, including her grandmother and her brother.

"My brother is a father-in-law of three young children, all under the age of 5" he told our Political Correspondent Alan Smith.

"He is beside himself, he told me he is trying to tell his children not to be scared, but he is terrified

"He's a doctor, he's not involved in any fighting, he's not a militant, he's just a doctor that helps other people."

Israel have carried out air strikes on Gaza in the past two days, whilst Palestine militants have fired over a thousand rockets - some of which have fallen short of their target.

"We're trying to keep in touch with him every hour, to make sure he and his family is safe, because that's all we can do - he can't flee anywhere, he can't escape anywhere, he is under blockade and under occupation." Continued Yousaf.

"We have to keep in touch every hour and frankly hope and pray one of the rockets doesn't hit his house and that he is still alive to respond to our messages."

Speaking of the wider issues in the region, Yousaf told us:

"Nobody has addressed what is the route cause - which is an occupation and the systemic withholding of human rights for an entire population."
