WATCH: Police release 'run, hide, tell' video to help holidaymakers during firearms attack

The advice details how to stay safe if there is an attack

Published 10th Jul 2017
Last updated 10th Jul 2017

Counter terrorism authorities have urged holidaymakers to watch a new film containing advice on how to survive if the worst should happen and there is a firearms or weapons attack whilst abroad.

The new four-minute film depicts a firearms attack in a hotel and adapts the existing 'run, hide, tell' anti-terrorism safety message.

Just over two years ago, 30 Britons were killed in a terrorist shooting at the holiday resort of Sousse, Tunisia. This new film depicts an attack on a hotel and shows what to do in the event of a shooting.

The ‘run, hide, tell' message states that people should run to a place of safety if there is a safe route.

If there is nowhere to go, then hide, barricade the door and turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate.

The final piece of advice is that when you are safe, call the local authorities. Holidaymakers should find out this number before heading abroad.

Alongside the video, Counter Terrorism Police UK wrote, 'Whilst the chances of being involved in a terror attack remain extremely rare, holidaymakers travelling abroad this summer are being urged to watch a new video designed to help keep them safe in the event of an incident'.