Meet Jeff

He sets his alarm for 4am to wake up the North-east of Scotland...

Published 3rd Jan 2017

He sets his alarm for 4am to wake up the North-east of Scotland...

Breakfast presenter Jeff Diack started his radio career at Northsound One in 2003 (at the age of 7) and presented various shows before flying the nest and working for our sister station in Edinburgh, then various other stations around the country. He is now back and settled in Aberdeen having done the very sensible and grown up thing of buying a house.

Jeff enjoys driving, so much so that one day he went off and learned to drive a bus, just because there was nothing much else happening that day. He also enjoys seeing new places with the odd road trip, having gone to France one weekend for some wine, and Skye one day, purely so that when he got back, he could tell people, 'I've just come down from the Isle of Skye...'

Jeff said, ‘Aberdeen is known as the oil capital, but there’s so much more to the North East than just oil, and I’m delighted to be waking up the North-east every weekday.

Here are Jeff’s answers to your quick-fire questions:

Q1: What’s your Karaoke song of choice? A1: Galway Girl. Simply because I can remember all the words, and it's more speaking than singing... and I can't sing :-)

Q2: If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? A2: Journey - Don't stop believin'. It's a song that's always been in the background and has a bit of a 'there's always hope' message in it.

Q3: Describe yourself in three words. A3: Passionate. Optimistic. Convivial.

Q4: Do you have any strange rituals which you carry out before you start your show? A4: Nah, I like a big mug of coffee in the studio with me, or green tea if I'm trying to be healthy (but it makes me need to wee a lot).

Q5: Do you have a party trick and what is it? A5: Nah... I'm the guy who is always in the kitchen at parties :-)