Meet Pete

The name's Pete, Travel Pete...

Published 12th Sep 2016

The name's Pete, Travel Pete...

Breakfast co-presenter Pete (Travel Pete) has worked in radio on and off for over ten years now. He LOVES it because ‘every day is exciting and different’! He still can’t believe that he gets paid to have such fun every morning!

Pete’s a highland loon from Nairn, before getting in to radio he used to be a holiday rep and he sometimes still thinks he is. Bar Crawl anyone??

Pete’s the fit one of the team, he likes running, hitting the gym and in winter he shreds down the mountains on his snowboard. He’s travelled a lot and takes a trip away whenever he can… Is this why they call him ‘Travel Pete’ ?

Here are Pete’s answers to your quick-fire questions:

Q1: What’s your Karaoke song of choice? A1: “Shaggy – Boombastic (every time!!!!)”

Q2: If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? A2: “Shaggy – Boombastic!”

Q3: Describe yourself in three words. A3: “Fun, Fit and Friendly.”

Q4: Do you have any strange rituals which you carry out before you start your show? A4: “Coffee, it HAS to be real coffee, aaahhhhh coffeeeeee”

Q5: Why did you choose to be a radio DJ/presenter? A5: “It happened by accident”