Bono Set To Become Richest Rock Star

His investment in Facebook looks set to propel the U2 frontman past Paul McCartney in the richlist

Published 17th May 2012

When Facebook floats on the Nasdaq stock exchange tomorrow it will be valued at around $100bn, which is apparently quite a lot of money.

And while Bono's $270m investment in the company three years ago looked expensive at the time for 2.3% of the company, it is set to earn his investment firm, Elevation Partners $1.5bn.

Bono's share of this windfall, in addition to his paltry millions earned with U2 (the biggest touring act in history), will likely make him richer than Sir Paul McCartney, who is estimated to be worth £665m. Some speculation suggests that Bono will become a billionaire through the windfall.

(Daily Mail)