Brazilian Rock Festival Fiasco

Saxon, Rock & Roll Allstars, Dio's Disciples pull out of shambolic Metal Open Air Festival

Published 26th Apr 2012

The Metal Open Air Festival "took place" last weekend and it was due to be headlined by Megadeth, Anthrax and Venom, while bands such as Dio's Disciples and the Rock N Roll Allstars were due to play. However, a series of problems, mostly man made, scuppered the festival.

More than 30 bands - including Rock N Roll Allstars, Saxon and Anthrax - pulled out due to contract disputes, while Venom's working visas had been sent to Africa instead of South America. The sound and lighting crews all left early on in the festival and Megadeth appeared, but SEVEN HOURS after they were due to take the stage.

The campsite appeared to be in horse stables (see photo below) and there were reports that there was no running water and only one set of portable toilets for the whole crowd.

Little Angels and Dio's Disciples singer Toby Jepson told Classic Rock Magazine that he had travelled to Brazil to perform but had travelled back shortly afterwards.

He says: "The signs of impending disaster were there from the moment I arrived. Rumours of bands not showing due to not getting paid. Contracts not honoured. Then we heard the sound and light companies were pulling out.

"The upshot for me and my fellow Disciples, who actually went there and were willing to play right up to the death: 15,000 miles half way round the world, a total of 70 hours travelling there and back, to sit in a hotel in paradise waiting for a festival that never was gonna happen.

"Great to see the lads – but it’s a long way to go for dinner.”

(Classic Rock Magazine)