Guns N Roses Hall Of Fame Confusion

An erroneous Tweet casts a doubt over the band's appearance in Cleveland next month

Published 14th Mar 2012

Last week the Twitter account of  the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame's producer Paul Schaffer revealed that Guns N Roses would not be performing at the ceremony in any capacity. The Tweet was quickly removed (although not before the story had been circulated fairly comprehensively around the internet) leading some to suspect that the message was a fake or that it was wrong.

Now Michael Lichtstein, the Vice President of Programming at Envision Radio Networks, has released the following statement to their site to explain the incident:

"I am writing to set the record straight on a story Blabbermouth printed earlier this evening Thursday, March 8. The story quoted Paul Shaffer's Twitter account as saying Guns N’ Roses would not be performing at this year's induction ceremony. Please know this tweet did not come from Mr. Shaffer, as his Twitter account is in conjunction with his syndicated radio feature with our network, and all tweets are handled by one of our staff members. No one is exactly sure what will happen at the induction ceremony, and we apologize for the inadvertent tweet."

So what does that mean? Well, it doesn't say that the original Tweet was wrong, it just says that the tweet was "inadvertent" but it also doesn't entirely  remove the possibility of a reunion.

We shall have to wait and see on 14 April...
