Jack Russell Apologises For Former Great White Bandmates

He says sorry for their "infantile behaviour"

Published 14th Mar 2012

Russell's feud with his former bandmates is showing no signs of slowing down as the frontman addressed a rumour he had heard from friends.

"I have heard from a number of our friends, who are also friends of my former band mates, that they are defriending and cutting of ties with these people because they are supporting me," says Russell in a recent post. "These people have been fans and friends of ours for many years and they do not deserve this. I find this to be childish to the point of disbelief. It's like 2nd grade!" 

"'If you are friends with Jacky, then I'm not going to be your friend', continues the singer. "It's beyond me as to why they would alienate their fans, people who have been supporting them for years and were going to continue to do so until they pull this stupid stunt. It doesn't matter to me if people who come to see me perform also go see them. In fact, as I said from the beginning, I endorse it 100%. To those of you who have had this happen, I apologize for their INFINTILE sic behavior."

(Sleaze Roxx)