Jagger, Beck To Play White House Gig

Rock and blues legends to team up for presidential show

Published 14th Feb 2012

The Rolling Stones frontman will join artists including B.B. King, Jeff Beck, Keb Mo, and Buddy Guy for an evening celebrating the Blues at the President's dwelling on 21 February.

Dubbed Red, White & Blues the event will be directed by Booker T. Jones of Booker T and the MGs and it will be taped and televised by PBS public television in the United States six nights later.

According to the press release, "In Performance at the White House: Red, White and Blues” will honor the musical form that sprang from the Mississippi Delta and flourished in the Westside of Chicago with deep roots in Africa and slavery.  The performances will explore those roots and pay homage to the great figures of the Blues and the songs they made famous by tracing the influence of the Blues on modern American music from soul to rock’n’roll.

This is the latest in a series of shows that have taken place at the White House in recent years, with artists such as Dylan and McCartney playing shows for President Obama and his family.