Metallica’s James Hetfield narrates film about pornography addiction

Metallica singer James Hetfield has lent his voice to a new film exploring the negative impact of pornography on society.

Published 19th Jan 2017

Titled Addicted To Porn: Chasing The Cardboard Butterfly, the documentary is the work of acclaimed filmmaker Justin Hunt who was previously teamed up with James on his 2012 film Absent, which focused on children growing up with an absent father and featured James talking about his experiences.

Set to be aired Stateside this April, the synopsis for Hunt’s fifth film reads: “Like it or not, porn is here and it is harmful. In this controversial film, award-winning filmmaker Justin Hunt dissects the impact of pornography on societies around the globe, from how it affects the brain of the individual, to how modern technology leads to greater exposure to youth, to watching it literally tear a family apart.

“In what may well be one of the most devastating issues in modern culture, this film will break down the damage that porn is doing to us a human race and leave you thinking that it's clearly time that we start taking porn addiction a bit more seriously.”

Metallica are currently in the midst of the Asian leg of their WorldWired Tour and, echoing their 2014 Grammys performance, joined forces with acclaimed concert pianist Lang Lang at the Beijing LeSports Center last night (18th January) on a powerful rendition of ‘One’.

The Asian tour wraps up in Hong Kong and Singapore this weekend before dates in Denmark, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and the US take Metallica through to the late spring.