Original Members Sign Up For New LA Guns LP

The band's new albums gets a little help from some old friends

Published 8th Feb 2012

Sleaze Roxx reports that the Phil Lewis version of the band is underway with the recording of the follow-up to 2005's Tales From The Strip and that members of the original line-up will make and appearance.

Said the band, "We got to play 20 new songs to Andy Johns, the guys from Cleopatra Records and our agent and they all seemed to like what they heard. On Monday we start tracking drums in a big old school studio for a few days and after that hours, days, and weeks, in the little studio with Bruce Witkin. We ran in to our old band mate Mick Cripps last night and he's on board to play a few tracks, so thats him and Kelly Nickels, thats four fiths of the original band! How cool is that."

The album is scheduled for the summer with a nine month world tour due to follow.

Singer Phil Lewis said of the album. "We've been waiting a long time to get back in and record. Our last album, 'Tales From The Strip', was incredibly well-received and we're looking forward to putting out something even better! With today's uncertain musical landscape it's great to have a label like Cleopatra Records behind us. We've been friends with Brian Perera (Cleopatra Records owner and founder) for a long time, and are really looking forward to working together on this and many more projects with him in the future."

(Sleaze Roxx)