Ozzy Considered For Brummie Honour

The city may give the former hellraiser the freedom of the city

Published 10th Feb 2012

The Birmingham Mail (via Hennemusic) reports that councilors have suggested that Ozzy Osbourne be given the city’s highest honor: Freedom of the City of Birmingham.

Council head of children’s social services Matt Bennett made his call for the honor, saying, "I studied in Liverpool and they do know how to make the most of their music. Yes they have The Beatles but they do like to go on and on about it. So I say give Ozzy Osbourne the Freedom of the City. He is the most famous Brummie on the planet. A few years ago he played for the Queen, and if he is good enough for the Queen he is good enough for Birmingham.”

The suggestion was immediately endorsed by both the cabinet member for leisure, sport and culture Martin Mullaney and Coun Philip Parkin, whose Destination Birmingham report into the city’s music industry suggested a Black Sabbath Day, among a range of initiatives to boost music tourism in the city.
