Queens of the Stone Age have finished their seventh studio album

Queens of the Stone Age have completed work on their next studio album, according to their friend Dean Delray.

Published 28th Mar 2017

US comedian and actor Delray hosted former QOTSA member Mark Lanegan on his Let There Be Talk podcast when he let slip that the record is done.

Delray asked Lanegan: "Did you sing on the new Queens at all or not?"

When Lanegan replied with a “no”, Delray pushed him further: "Have you heard it? I know they just finished, I'm dying to hear it."

Closely affiliated with the Queens of the Stone Age clan, Delray has had a string of past and present QOTSA members on his show including Josh Homme, Nick Oliveri, Joey Castillo, Troy Van Leeuwen and Jon Theodore.

Mark Lanegan, who has featured on five QOTSA records and was a permanent member from 2001 to 2005, was on Delray’s show to promote his upcoming tenth solo album ‘Gargoyle’.

Although Queens of the Stone Age have been largely secretive about the follow-up to 2013’s ‘… Like Clockwork’, back in January Mastodon’s Troy Sanders, who is a member of the side-project Gone Is Gone with Troy Van Leeuwen, revealed the new record will land this year.

Asked how the band members manage to divide their time between their various projects, Sanders said: “I like to think none of us needs this band, but we all really want this band. When that’s the mentality, this is special to the four of us.

“Otherwise, we wouldn’t dedicate the first week of 2017 to working on this band. For example, Queens of the Stone Age, Mastodon and At the Drive-In have all been recording, and we all have new records coming out this year.

“We’ve all been extremely busy writing and recording, and we’re about to get super busy touring the world. So I believe we’re all fulfilled to a certain degree with all we have going on.”

Last July, Troy Van Leeuwen revealed that QOTSA had some time locked in in the studio for the follow-up to 2013’s acclaimed ‘… Like Clockwork.’

“We’ve already started talking about what we’re gonna do next for the next Queens record,” he told 2 Hours With Matt Pinfield. “There’s tons of ideas that are bouncing around … We’re going to do something before the end of the year, as far as recording goes.”