Rush Get Revolver Golden God Award

The Canadian trio are to be given a lifetime achievement award in LA in April

Published 13th Mar 2012

The band will be presented with the The Ronnie James Dio Lifetime Achievement Award at a ceremony in April. The award will be presented by Jack Black and Kyle Gass of Tenacious D.

"We are honored and delighted to receive this honor - especially because it will be presented by Jack and Kyle,” said Rush drummer Neil Peart. "Our ‘lifetimes’ are not over yet, and we dearly hope our ‘achievements’ are not either, so I suppose you could say that to us this is the ‘So Far, So Good’ award.” 

"Rush was the most impressive band, musically, when I was just learning about rock,” said Black. "Weirdly, they got your body moving in interpretive-dancing ways, but it was still aggressive. Their stuff was just so complex and so tasty!”
