Weiland Says He's Back With Velvet Revolver

Slash says he isn't

Published 15th May 2012

There's a couple of contrasting stories coming out of the Velvet Revolver camp today.

First up, Scott Weiland has announced in a radio interview in the US that he's due to reconvene with his former bandmates to start working on a new album and to head out on the road for a handful of dates later this year.

"We’ve all grown a lot,” said Weiland. "We’re able to put egos and differences and old...conflicts aside and so that’s really cool.”

Weiland added that VR has already begun the writing process for their third studio album. "They gave me a couple of songs and myself and guitarist Dave Kushner and bassist Duff McKagan are gonna be getting together for a song writing session next week,” he said.

"Slash’s solo album gets released on May 22 and so he’s gonna do some touring on that and then we’re gonna go and do some Velvet Revolver shows in the later part of summer into early fall.”

HOWEVER, Slash was later told by Minneapolis radio station 93X about Weiland’s statement.

"He did not (say that)! He’s out of his mind,” he said jovially.”There’s been a common rumor going around, I know that he’s been positive on that subject.”

"I have absolutely no intention of going back to that... I'm on tour all year,” he responded. "I'll call Duff, but I seriously doubt there is any truth to Weiland's comments. We have no intention of going backwards."
