Send us your 'By The Sea' soundscapes

Oh, we do like to hear sounds of the seaside...

Author: David MayPublished 11th Aug 2020
Last updated 12th Aug 2020

Oh, we all like to hear sounds of the sea...

Just because we can't go abroad just yet, it doesn't mean we cannot enjoy our local coastlines.

So, whether you were planning on going to the coast anyway, or you're just looking for an excuse to head that way, we'd like to enlist you to help spread the joyous sounds of being by the sea with Penny Smith's feature - By The Sea.

Send us your recordings

As we’re in the Summer holiday period, we want your help building up our seaside collection, so we can bring the sounds of holiday to you instead.

Help us spread some seaside joy by sending us your recordings in 5 simple steps. After all, what's not to like about being at the beach?

Step one: Head to the beach

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. The only way to get sounds of your local coastline is indeed, by heading to the beach.

Before you grab your flip-flops, beach towel and factor 50, make sure you've also remembered to pack your phone/ recording device as well. After all, this new feature is the only reason you'll be heading that way, right?

Step 2. Locate recording application

Once you've found your ideal spot and marked your territory the only way us Brits know how; with your beach towel - it's time to get to work.

Open your recording device and get as close to the sea as possible or willing (trying not to get anything wet).

Step 3. Place phone on a sturdy surface

Place your recording device on a stable surface, ideally away in a sheltered area and away from the wind. Point the microphone towards the subject you plan on recording, if you're using a smartphone and unsure where the microphone is, it will be located at the bottom of your phone.

Tip: Point the microphone away from background noise.

Step 4. Leave the coast to do its thing

This is the fun part: start recording; stay still and silent; and enjoy the sounds whilst recording.

After at least 2-3 minutes, stop recording.

Tip: Try not to move or talk while you are recording as this may be picked up in the recording.

Step 5. Send us your recordings

Finally, email your recordings to telling us who you are and where you are, and we'll add them to our collection.

Don't forget to send us some photos too!