Coronation Street stars reveal what they love about Christmas

Find out who will cook and who will be washing up.

Published 25th Nov 2016

Household names from Coronation Street have revealed the best bits about Christmas in a recent interview.

Stars from the award winning soap explained why they love Christmas and who they will be spending it with.

Christmas starts early on the Corrie set because they start filming six weeks ahead, but when it comes to their personal Christmases many leave it until the last minute.

Sam Robertson, known for playing mischief-making Adam Barlow, admits he will start Christmas shopping the week before if he's lucky!

  • Sam Robertson (plays Adam Barlow) | © ITV Plc*

He went on to say he's looking forward to spending the festive season with his family, including his six month old niece Scarlett, who he'll be showering with gifts for the first time.

"My mum and grandmother will be doing the cooking" admitted the 31-year-old actor, because they are the "best cooks"!

However Jane Danson said her secret to a stress-free Christmas is to buy it all from a well-known supermarket and just pop it in the oven! We like the idea of that Jane!

  • Jane Danson and Georgia Taylor (as Leanne and Toyah Battersby | © ITV Plc*

The 38-year-old actress who plays Leanne Battersby likes to have a "very traditional family Christmas" surrounded by her husband, kids and her mum, watching Corrie and Christmas films.

Meanwhile Georgia Taylor who plays her on-screen step-sister makes a return to the soap after 14 years away and will appearing for the first time on Christmas Day.

** Georgia Taylor (as Toyah Battersby) | © PA Images / ITV Plc

When asked what she will be watching on Christmas Day Georgia said, "Coronation Street but slightly behind a cushion because it's my first episode!" Going on to say that she would also like to watch something animated, like Wallace and Gromit.

Actor Chris Gascoyne who has played the part of Peter Barlow on the soap since 2000 had a more philosophical take on the festive season saying he will be having a quiet Christmas with his family as it's a "time for reflection".

** Chris Gascoyne (plays Peter Barlow) | © PA Images

When it comes to choosing something to watch on TV he likes the old school method of buying a TV guide and ringing everything he wants to watch, including (of course) the Coronation Street Christmas special.

Whilst on screen Eva and Aidan get the chance to spend the special day together, with Eva blissfully unaware of her partner's one night stand, in reality Catherine Tyldesley and Shayne Ward will be spending their Christmases with own families.

  • Catherine Tyldesley and Shayne Ward (as Eva Price and Aidan Connor) | © ITV Plc*

Catherine likes to be mega prepared by buying presents throughout the year, stocking up her 'Christmas Cupboard'. She will be spending the morning with her family and the afternoon with her husband's family, with her mother-in-law cooking the because she is a "brilliant cook".

Shayne on the other hand will be celebrating his first Christmas with his new baby, which is due very soon. He said "I am one of seven; I have three brothers and three sisters so there will be thirteen nieces and nephews - it's a big family!"

And who will be cooking for the troops? His mum, but he admitted, "I'll do the dishes afterwards."

Let's hope he has a bit of help with all those plates.