'It would be great!': Benedict Cumberbatch teases a Dr Strange and Iron Man collaboration

Benedict is making his Marvel superhero debut

Published 26th Oct 2016

Benedict Cumberbatch has got superhero fan's hearts racing by saying he would love to team up with Robert Downey Jr for a Dr Strange and Iron Man movie.

Benedict is currently making his Marvel debut in Dr Strange, which is about a neurosurgeon who develops superpowers in a bid to heal his wounded hands.

Marvel is known for it's movie crossovers; most recently we saw Captain America, Iron Man and Ant Man all on screen together in Captain America: Civil War. Benedict says it would be great to see Dr Strange and Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man go toe to toe in a movie together.

'I would be a good thing! He really brought this whole thing to life and I owe a lot to him for that', Benedict told our Entertainment Hub.

'It would be great to see the two collide. We could have a beard off', he joked.

Watch the full interview here: