Internet goes into meltdown over fake Harry Styles

Fans thought this was Harry's new look

Published 9th May 2016

Harry Styles shocked the world at the weekend when he took scissors to his famous long locks.

The One Direction man posted a snap to his 17 million Instagram followers holding a ponytail with the caption 'whooops'.

Of course, the picture soon went viral with fans of the 1D man all over the world tweeting their disbelief at his new look.

However, it has now emerged the picture was in fact a very clever face swap conducted by Ellis. He used Snapchat’s new face swap filler to superimpose Harry’s face onto his own head, leaving amazing results.

Not only did he create a face swap, the prankster also uploaded a video to his Facebook account where he can be heard saying "Hi Everyone it’s Harry. Thanks everyone for liking my new haircut and thanks to Ellis Lacy for getting my photo out there. Saves me a lot of work."

Well he had us fooled!

Harry is yet to share a pic of his new locks but we can only imagine how good he looks!