Miss Great Britain stripped of her title after Love Island sex

Zara Holland and Alex Bowen spent the night together.

Published 17th Jun 2016

Love Island contestant Zara Holland has been de-crowned of her Miss Great Britain title after having sex on the TV show.

The episode aired on Wednesday showed the 20-year-old having sex with Vicky Pattison's ex Alex Bowen.

The model and boutique director, who hasn't stopped talking about her 'reign' as Miss GB, decided to stay overnight in the Hideaway bedroom with 24-year-old Alex, covered by a blanket as they had sex.

© ITV Pictures

In a statement posted on Twitter the beauty pageant organisers said, "We pride ourselves on promoting the positivity of pageants in modern society and this includes the promotion of a strong, positive female role model in our winners.

“The feedback we have received from pageant insiders and members of the general public is such that we cannot promote Zara as a positive role model moving forward."

They went on to say that they had no problem with her having sex as it is perfectly natural, 'We simply can't condone what happened on national tv'.

Despite the pageant organiser's reaction Love Island host Caroline Flack has responded to the de-crowning saying,

An hour later going on to say, 'What even is 'miss GB' ? Are we living in the dark ages ?' (sic)

A clip from Wednesday's show can be viewed on YouTube. || WARNING CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE AND ADULT SCENES ||

The Miss Great Britain title will now go to runner-up Deone Robertson who will represent the country in Miss World as well as having the title for the rest of the year.