Blackford: Referendum delay allows SNP to discuss independence 'fundamentals'

Published 30th Jul 2017
Last updated 31st Jul 2017

Postponing plans for a second referendum has given the SNP the opportunity to discuss the fundamentals'' of independence, the party's Westminster leader has said.

Ian Blackford said he was gratified'' that the focus was no longer on the timetable of such a vote.

Following the general election, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced plans for a second referendum were being put on hold.

She said it is still ''likely'' there could be another ballot before 2021, but told the Scottish Parliament she was going to ''reset'' the timetable which could have seen a referendum take place between autumn next year and spring 2019.

SNP Westminster leader Mr Blackford said rebuilding the case for independence needs to harmful'' Conservative Government policies.

He told the Sunday Herald newspaper: I think that what has happened as a consequence of Nicola's statement is that we've taken away the focus from the timetable now and I'm gratified that gives us the opportunity to actually talk about the fundamentals and to talk about what an independent Scotland would look like. And I welcome that over the coming years.

I joined this party because I believe in independence and it's up to us to win the trust of people in Scotland and we've clearly got a manifesto commitment from the 2016 election that says if there is a change in circumstances, there's the question of a second referendum.

I think it's a key task for all of us to compare and contrast the powers that we have and also demonstrate how we could do so much more with independence to promote fairness and equity.

One of the things is to demonstrate how this Conservative government is pursuing policies that are harmful to Scotland.''

The Scottish Tories said the SNP have not listened to voters.

Shadow finance secretary Murdo Fraser said: These latest comments from the SNP prove once and for all that they will always put independence first.

Despite voters sending them a clear message this year that they are fed up with them obsessing over independence, the SNP just aren't listening.

It destroys claims from Nicola Sturgeon that her priority is anything but separation, or that she would be getting back to the day job.

People are crying out for the Scottish Government to start concentrating on improving our hospitals, schools and the economy.

But instead, we have a narrow-minded administration that will stop at nothing until they have torn Scotland out of the UK.'