Distressed deer rescued by TRAMbulance in Edinburgh

Published 13th Oct 2017

A small deer has been rescued by TRAM after freezing - apparently in shock - next to a remote section of Edinburgh's tram line.

The animal was spotted lurking precariously close to the track for around 3 hours without moving.

The Scottish SPCA was called but the charity soon realised they wouldn't be able to get close enough with their vehicle to take the deer to safety.

Instead an empty tram was sent to help her.

Animal Rescue Officer Fiona Thorburn said, “I was very concerned when I arrived as the deer was standing but completely unaware of my presence and I thought it was likely she had suffered head trauma.

“Edinburgh trams were great as they allowed us to use an out of service tram so that I could take her to the nearest wildlife vet to be checked out.

“After being seen by a vet the deer was sent over to our National Wildlife Rescue Centre in Fishcross to have a full check-up and thankfully she was only suffering from shock and has now made a full recovery.

“We’re glad we were able to help her out as it must have been quite a stressful experience.”

Gordon Ratcliffe, Duty Manager at Edinburgh Trams said, “We’re used to dealing with unexpected situations in the Operations Control Centre but this was perhaps one of the more unusual of situations. We were happy to assist the Scottish SPCA in getting the deer to a point of safety and are happy to hear she has been given a clean bill of health.