EXCLUSIVE: People with eating disorders waiting up to 11 months for help

Bauer Radio
Author: Hope WebbPublished 31st Jul 2019

We can exclusively reveal that people with eating disorders in Scotland are waiting up to eleven months for help.

It comes as we continue our investigation in to eating disorder services across Scotland.

We've found that NHS Forth Valley has the shortest waiting time of around two weeks and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has the longest average wait of 43 weeks.

In NHS Grampian you will wait up to 12 weeks, within NHS Lanarkshire patients are waiting around 18 weeks and in NHS Lothian the wait is up to six months.

Tina McGuff is an eating disorder campaigner who previously suffered from anorexia. She says: "If you go to the doctor today with an internal issue there is no way they would turn you away, and it should be the exact same for an issue with your mental health. It's so dangerous if it is left untreated.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from an eating disorder you can access help and information through the charity Beat - https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/. The charity also suggests addressing concerns with your GP.