Final polls ahead of EU referendum reveal mixed results

The final polls ahead the EU referendum are in with one of them putting the Remain camp significantly ahead of Leave, while others suggest the vote is still on a knife-edge.

Published 23rd Jun 2016

The final polls ahead the EU referendum are in with one of them putting the Remain camp significantly ahead of Leave, while others suggest the vote is still on a knife-edge.

A ComRes poll for the Daily Mail and ITV News gives the Remain campaign an eight-point cushion.

It shows that 48% of adults said they will back the UK staying in the EU while 42% said they intend to vote for Brexit.

But 11% of voters are still undecided, and once all of the don't knows are taken into account, Remain leads Leave by 54% to 46%.

But a YouGov poll has things much tighter with Remain ahead by just two points: 51% to Leave's 49%.

And an Opinium poll gives a narrow lead to Leave with 45% of voters backing Brexit to 44% for Remain, with 9% undecided.