Teenager charged in connection with fire at Perth school

The blaze broke out at Oakbank Primary on Friday 26th July - crews battled another fire just a couple of days later at the nearby Viewlands Primary.

Published 29th Jul 2019
Last updated 29th Jul 2019

A 15-year-old boy has been charged in connection with a fire at Perth school.

Crews battled the blaze at Oakbank Primary on the evening of Friday 26th July – the flames caused smoke damage to the side of the building.


A Police Scotland spokeswoman confirmed the teenager will be reported to the Youth Justice Assessor.

It comes as another fire broke out at Viewlands Primary, which is just a couple of streets away, on Sunday 29th July.

Firefighters were called to the blaze at around half past 8 in the evening – it started as a bonfire and spread to the building.

The flames have now been put out, but the building has sustained damage.

Nobody was hurt in the fire and police are now investigating.
