Former SNP MP Michelle Thomson will not face prosecution in fraud probe

Published 1st Aug 2017

Criminal proceedings against former SNP MP Michelle Thomson will not go ahead.

She was reported to Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) in December following a police investigation into allegations of mortgage fraud.

Ms Thomson resigned from the SNP whip, and was deselected as an MP ahead of the recent snap election.

She always denied any wrongdoing.

A Crown Office spokesman said: The procurator fiscal received a report concerning four men aged 48, 56, 59 and 59, and one woman aged 51, in relation to alleged incidents between June 16 2010 and July 26 2011.

After careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, Crown counsel concluded there was an absence of sufficient credible and reliable evidence and there should be no criminal proceedings at this time.'