Police Crime Clear Up Rate Below Average in 13 Council Areas

East Renfrewshire is the worst in the country with Inverclyde the best in Glasgow and the west

We can reveal the police crime clear up rate is below the Scottish average in 13 of the country’s 32 council areas. Official figures show a record clear up rate of 52% across the country but in East Renfrewshire it is only 35%. That compares to 52% in Glasgow; the same as the national figure.

East Dunbartonshire is just below the national average at 44%, Renfrewshire sits at 51%, South Lanarkshire is 50%, North Lanarkshire is just above average at 54%, Inverclyde is way above average at 60% and West Dunbartonshire is 56%.

North Ayrshire sits at 46%, South Ayrshire 49% and East Ayrshire 52%.

Former deputy chief constable, now Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary Graeme Pearson says the single police force was supposed to sort out problems like these.